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Logotipo del Gobierno de España. Ministerio de Hacienda. Logotipo de la Intervención General de la Administración del Estado.
Administración Presupuestaria

Reporting of fraud, corruption or any other illegal activity involving European funds (External Whistleblowing Channel)

If you wish to bring to the attention of the National Anti-Fraud Coordination Service (SNCA) facts that may constitute fraud or irregularities in projects or operations financed by European funds, you can use the INFOFRAUD channel.

Infofraude Channel: FORM
  • You may report information from an employment setting of similar non-employment setting, identifying yourself or anonymously, providing the SNCA with the information in the most accurate and detailed manner possible and providing the documentation available to you, where the information refers to Article 2.2 of Directive (EU) 2019/1937 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2019 on the protection of persons reporting breaches of Union law, without prejudice to the powers of other supervisory, control, inspection or investigative bodies (Second Transitional Provision of Law 2/2023 and Directive (EU) 2019/1937).

  • Whistleblowers will be subject to the protection of the Independent Authority for the Protection of Whistleblowers, A.A.I. by virtue of Article 2.1.a) 2 of Law 2/2023.

  • The key elements of the INFOFRAUD channel are outlined in Communication 1/2017, of 6 April 2017 by the National Anti-Fraud Coordination Service, and in its Annex.

  • If you have any questions about the form and the requirements for submitting information and processing it, you can get in contact via

  • Go to form

Analysis of the information received
  • The NACS will analyse the information it receives in order to determine how it should be treated, performing any necessary verifications and actions.

  • However, the SNCA will not process information received where it is clearly unfounded or where it is so lacking in detail, generic, vague with regard to the facts of the lack of evidence provided does not allow the SNCA reasonably verify the facts reported and a minimum determination in its process of the reported facts.

Guarantee of confidentiality
  • Unless the person reporting the information expressly requests otherwise, the SNCA will keep his or her identity completely confidential, so that it will not be disclosed to any person.

  • To this end, all communications, verification actions or requests for documentation carried out by the SNCA shall omit the data relating to the identity of the person who has sent the information, as well as any other data that could lead to their full or partial identification.

  • Likewise, when the SNCA has to transfer the proceedings to other bodies for them to process the corresponding procedures, the provisions of the preceding paragraph shall apply to the documentation sent to these other bodies, except where jurisdictional bodies or the Public Prosecutor's Office and the regulations governing the judicial procedure require otherwise. In the latter case, the identity of the reporting person shall be communicated only to those persons or bodies to whom it is indispensable.

  • Finally, and to the extent that the regulations governing the procedure in question so permit, it will be the SNCA itself that will take the necessary steps before the body to which the proceedings have been referred so that said procedure can be carried out correctly, so that, where appropriate, communication between said body and the person who has sent the information to the Service is made through said Service, in order to guarantee the confidentiality of the identity of said person.

interested party
  • Sending information through this communication channel does not grant the informant the status of interested party in the administrative actions that may result from the information provided, nor does it give them the right to be informed of their results, nor grounds to file appeals or claims related to the results of said actions.

Data protection
  • The personal data provided by in the form will be processed by the SNCA for the purpose of investigating irregularities and cases of fraud against the financial interests of the European Union and, where applicable, for the processing of the legally established procedures for the purpose of demanding the liabilities that may be applicable in each case. Your data will not be disclosed to third parties. You may exercise your rights vis-à-vis the controller. For further information see additional information on data protection.

You can contact the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) via the link or the European Public Prosecutor's Office (EPPO) via the link