Compliance status
These websites
partially comply with RD 1112/2018 due to a lack of compliance with the aspects indicated below..
Inaccessible content
The content listed below is not accessible due to the following reasons:
Lack of compliance with RD 1112/2018
There may be occasional editing errors on some of the web pages, both in HTML content and in final documents, published after 20 September 2018 (date of entry into force of Royal Decree 1112/2018, of 7 September).
Excess load
Not applicable
The content is not included in the scope of applicable legislation
There may be office computer system files, in PDF or other formats, that do not entirely comply with accessibility requirements. This may also include content produced by third parties that is not financed, developed or under the control of the party responsible for this website.
Drafting this accessibility statement
This statement was drafted on 31 October 2018.
The method used to prepare the statement was a self-evaluation carried out by the body itself.
Last revision of the statement: April 29, 2024
Notes and contact information
You may make reports regarding accessibility requirements (article 10.2.a of RD 1112/2018), such as:
- Reporting potential non-compliance by websites to which this accessibility statement applies.
- Conveying other difficulties in accessing the content.
- Formulating any other enquiries or suggestions for improvement regarding accessibility.
Via the following methods:
All communications will be received and processed by the unit in charge of the administration and management of web portals and electronic offices of the Budgetary Administration.
You may also request information in an accessible format when it does not comply with the accessibility requisites, either because it is exempt or due to disproportionate download requirements; or you may present a complaint regarding non-compliance with accessibility requisites. See
accessible information request and complaints procedure of article 12 of Royal Decree 1112/2018, of the 7th of September.
Application procedure
With this procedure, you may initiate a claim to request information on the motives for rejecting a request for accessible information or a complaint, or to oppose the rejection, urge the adoption of suitable measures if you do not agree with the decision, or explain the reasons for which you believe that the response does not comply with the requisites required of it.
Use the
complaints procedure, which should be addressed to the Unit responsible for accessibility of this Ministry, or if the complaint refers to an action of this Unit, to its hierarchical superior.
Optional content
This website complies with the requirements of Standard
UNE-EN 301549
(pdf) taking into account the exceptions of RD 1112/2018.
The last revision was carried out on 30 de marzo de 2024.
Furthermore, this website is subject to periodic review by the Web Accessibility Observatory (WAO), the most recent of which was conducted in July 2023.
In addition to the measures, the following are also taken with the intention of facilitating accessibility:
- Use of alternative text on images
- Links provide details of the function or hyperlink destination
- Use of W3C standards: XHTML 1.0, CSS 3.0, WAI AA.
The Internet portals and the electronic offices of the Budgetary Administration have been optimised for the latest versions of Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Firefox, Safari and Opera. The recommended minimum resolution is 1280x1024.
The Internet portals and electronic offices of the Budget Administration Office have been designed for correct viewing, not only on desktop computers, but also on tablets and smart phones.