The allocation of budget revenue to the various Taxes and Social Contributions operations foreseen in the ESA is based on the economic classification of the budget, and on the analysis of the regulations specific to each resource. Thus, firstly, the different revenue items/sub-items included in the Budget are assigned to the Taxes and Social Security Contributions operations defined in the ESA, according to their economic nature, for which purpose the budgetary classification and, where applicable, the specific regulations for each revenue are studied.
In particular, what is included in the revenue budget of the different units under chapters 1 Direct taxes and social contributions and 2 Indirect taxes is classified as tax (or social contributions in the case of social security) in accordance with the categories set out in the ESA 2010 and its valuation rules. Where appropriate, the rules and regulations for each income are studied in order to carry out this allocation.
The fees recorded in Chapter 3 are analysed to determine whether, according to the criteria set out in the ESA, they represent a tax or a purchase of services from the government. Aquellas clasificadas como impuestos, posteriormente, se asignan a las correspondientes rúbricas del SEC.
In certain cases, certain income from Chapters 4 and 5 is recorded as taxes. An example would be revenues from the auctioning of greenhouse gas emission allowances which are classified in national accounts under transaction D.29 Other taxes on production.
In a second stage, the Taxes and Social Contributions transactions are quantified each year, applying the recording criteria set out in the ESA. This is based on the amounts recorded as settled entitlements and collections in the different items/sub-items of the economic classification of the revenue budget.
In general, it is possible to allocate each item/sub-items of the revenue budget to a specific operation defined in the ESA. However, there may be special situations where a given tax item, which is contained in a single budget heading/sub-item, is subject to different economic events which, according to the ESA, must be allocated to different operations. For example, in the sub-sector local government, the revenue from the Vehicle Tax according to ESA is to be allocated to operation D.29 Other taxes on production if the vehicle is used in the production process and in the operation D.59 Other current taxes if the vehicle is owned by a household which uses it for non-productive purposes. In these cases, the allocation of the tax to different transactions is made on the basis of the specific analysis of each situation. In particular, the distribution of the IVTM is based on the statistics prepared by the General Directorate of Traffic in relation to the existing vehicle fleet.
Exceptionally, some public entities, subject to the Spanish National Chart of Accounts or any of its adaptations, which are classified in the general government sector, collect revenues that, according to ESA criteria, should be recorded as taxes. In this case, the classification of this income is based on the regulations governing this income and the activity of the unit, as described in the notes to the financial statements. The quantification is made with the information contained in the profit and loss account, cash flow statements and additional questionnaires, where applicable. This would be the case, for example, for the Deposit Guarantee Fund for Credit Institutions where the income received is recorded in national accounts as taxes.