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Logotipo del Gobierno de España. Ministerio de Hacienda. Logotipo de la Intervención General de la Administración del Estado.
Administración Presupuestaria

ARI interoperability services.

The accounting register of invoices of the General State Administration and its public bodies. Web services for the interoperability of the Accounting Register of Invoices (RCF)

The Budgetary Information Technology Office (hereinafter the OIP) of the General Comptroller of the State Administration (hereinafter IGAE) has developed web services for the interoperability of the management applications used in the scope of the functions of the administrative centres that comprise the Budgetary Administration.

These web services allow invoices to be downloaded and their status changed from any external management application to the accounting information system SIC3, using the following methods:

Métodos del servicio Web del RCF Descripción del método
New Invoices RequestRequest for the invoices that have not yet been downloaded by the management system
Invoice DownloadDownload the file with the invoice and attached documents
Invoice Download 2Same as Invoice Download, but providing more information on the downloaded invoice
Confirm Invoice DownloadConfirm the download of an invoice
Confirm Invoice List Download Confirm the download of a list of invoices
Change Invoice Status 2Change the status of an invoice
Change Invoice List Status Change the status of a list of invoices
Note Payment of Payable Invoice Note the payment of a payable invoice
Request New Cancellation ProposalsRequest for the cancellation proposals received
Change Status Cancellation ProposalChange the status of an invoice cancellation proposal
Capture Additional Acceptance DataCommunicate the additional data on an invoice’s acceptance
Delete Additional Acceptance DataEliminate the additional data on an invoice’s acceptance
consultarFacturas Consult Invoices
General Query General Query

The description of these methods can be consultedin the “RCF Web Services Manual”"

Prior requirements for requesting web services

The OIP’s corporate web services will be accessed via the applications servers of the Unit that so requires, using the administrative Intranet or SARA network as the means of communication. Access via the Internet will only by allowed in exceptional cases.

Web service clients will be authenticated using a stamp certificate (article 13.3.d and 18.1.a of Law 11/2007, of 22 June, on citizens' electronic access to public services) issued by one of the certification service providers recognised by the @FIRMA Platform of the State Secretariat for Public Administrations. Updated information on recognised certificates can be obtained at

Procedure for requesting access to web services

The Public Administrations Units that need to establish a dialogue between applications must send a written request to the File Manager of the applicable Budgetary Administration. To know who to send this request to, you must enter the information systems catalogue published on the Budgetary Administration’s website, through the option “Information Systems Catalogue” in the e-office.

On the screen that appears, select the option “Information systems accessible to external users”.

Then you will see a screen which shows a list of systems that are accessible to external users, and associated with each one is the File Manager who can authorise access to the information systems.

The written request shall be signed electronically and sent to the e-mail address of the Manager listed in the “File Manager” column, or in paper format and physically signed and sent by conventional mail if the File Manager accepts this possibility. Additionally, information on the technical information systems contact person or persons in the Unit or, as applicable, at the service provider company hired for such a purpose must be included

Once approval has been granted, the File Manager of the information system with which the requesting entity wishes to interoperate will provide the technical contact information to the e-mail address of the Centre Manager of the OIP’s Division IV: Operations

The aforementioned OIP Division IV: Operations will send all technical documentation and the information on the technical support personnel who will help establish the connection to the contact person(s)..

At first, the connection will be established to a test platform and, once both parties have given the go-ahead, the connection to the real platform will be established.

Technical procedure for web services access tests for their subsequent production

Once the request is approved (the procedure for which is described in the above paragraph), the technical personnel from the OIP’s Division IV: Operations will get in touch with the contact people provided by the requesting body so as to begin collaboration to achieve the exchange of information.

The technical department of the interested Administration, body or public entity, or the services company hired for that purpose, will ensure that the stamp certificate of said Administration, body or public entity allowing automatic administrative actions, or a similar certificate from the services company (exported only with the public code), which includes the administration body's CIF (tax code) if it is the body itself carrying out the development (or that of the company carrying out development) is sent by e-mail to the address provided by the Systems Integration Area of the OIP’s Division IV: Operations.

Once the certificate has been received, this unit will verify its suitability and authenticity and will send the DETAILED TECHNICAL MANUAL by e-mail. This manual specifies the necessary technical information, as well as example programs in JAVA and .NET and, additionally, describes how the entity can obtain technical support during this testing period. Furthermore, the OIP’s Division I: Accounting and Control Applications will send the document INTEROPERABILITY OF EXTERNAL APPLICATIONS WITH THE INFORMATION SYSTEM with which the entity wishes to connect, with the requirements for exchanging information.

Once the tests have been successfully completed, the production phase will begin.

The technical department of the Administration, body or public entity interested in the connection will ensure that the stamp certificate (exported only with the public code) which includes the body's CIF (tax ID) is sent to the Systems Integration Area of the OIP’s Division IV: Operations. This unit, once the suitability and authenticity of the certificate has been verified, will send the DETAILED TECHNICAL MANUAL by e-mail. This manual specifies the necessary technical information, as well as example programs in JAVA and .NET and, additionally, describes how the entity can obtain technical support during the production period.